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Poll: New England-style hot dog buns v. traditional rolls - Blogs

Author: Polly

May. 27, 2024

34 0 0

Tags: Machinery

Poll: New England-style hot dog buns v. traditional rolls - Blogs

Sometimes, I write about things I could never imagine seeing the light of print. This is one of those topics. The idea emerged after a Facebook post generated dozens of comments in a matter of minutes.

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Which kinds of hotdog buns, I wondered, were preferred? The argument was between me and my dad. He favors the rolls that look like folded toast (apparently called &#;New England-style&#;) and I&#;m all for the crust-covered buns only opting for the toast type when eating a lobster roll.

When I was a kid, my parents often bought the folded toast variety, and my sister and I would balk. I was near-positive the kind we like &#; the ones served with hot dogs pretty much everywhere &#; were superior. Look on the bread shelves at the store and you see far more traditional rolls than the New England style and I can&#;t remember a time I went to a barbecue and was served a dog on anything but a crust-covered roll.

Yet the comments on my Facebook post (sort of) proved me wrong. Lots and lots of people said they like the offending rolls.

We&#;ll take the poll to the blog and see how it goes.

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Which hotdog buns do you prefer?

  • I'm with you, Kristi, crust-covered buns all the way
  • Your dad is right. There's nothing like a New England-style bun
  • I don't care about the roll, as long as the dog is good
  • I don't eat hotdogs

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hot dog roll, hot dog bun

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