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SonTek Resources
Sontex Superstatic 749 - pulse output - Getting Started
Hi all,
Another request for help from anyone with a Sontex meter.
I have an EmonPi2 installed now and mostly set up, but I still cant get an output from the sontex 749. It doesnt have an m-bus so that is not an option, leaving me with a pulse output and an optical output. I brought an optical sensor as part of the EmonPi2 package. I have tested it with a torch and its counting correctly, but it will not pick up any signal from what I think it the optical output on the front (the little LED in the centre). I dont think the Sontex 749 is flashing. . I spent a good deal of last night in the dark watching the meter reading change as it counts up the cumulative kWh, but could see no flash. Im thinking its either not activated, not functioning or infrared. I have been through all the menus to see if there is an on/off activation but can see nothing.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Plastic Roll Bags.
I thne attempted to repalce the optical pulse counter with a hard wired output from the meter. There is a communication symbol that appears to flash on the main LCD screen every 0.1kWh, so it looks like there is a pulse output. But I simply couldnt get any count on the EmonPi2. I tried various wiring combinations of output 1, ground and output 2, but Im not sure what Im doing and really dont want to damage the EmonPi2 either.
Has anyone managed to get an output from a non m-bus sontex meter? Im almost at the point where I give up and replace it.